
  • Success in studies depends upon the regular attendance in the college. No student is allowed to take leave except for serious reasons as in the case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Regular attendance is one of the conditions under which the student is admitted. No leave of absence is granted except the written application from the parent/ guardians are submitted.
  • In case of illness the student on returning to college must bring a note in the college diary from the parents/guardians certifying to the fact. Failure to produce this note may oblige the college to send the student home even during college hours.
  • Regular attendance and study habits prompt obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from each student.
  • Those students who absent themselves from college without the knowledge of their parents/guardians will be liable to severe disciplinary action or even dismissal. Should such absence be during the time of Tests/ exams, they will be given zero marks for the respective Tests/ Exams.
  • No student who has been absent from college should be admitted to class without the Principal’s signature in the calendar.




Each student shall have to attend a minimum of 75% Lectures/ Tutorials/ Practical classes in each paper of all the courses. Class Attendance shall be calculated based on actual number of classes held during each semester in each course/ paper. Number of decimals is to be rounded off to next higher number (e.g. 74.01% be rounded off to 75%).

Only a student with 75% and above attendance in any paper shall be allowed to appear in the concerned paper in the End Semester Examination (ESE). However, a student with less than 75% attendance may be allowed to get admission in the immediate next higher semester. Such a student may appear in the subsequent similar ESE (odd/even) in the concerned paper as an Arrear Paper and marks to be awarded under CCA for each paper shall be the marks previously secured by the student in the concerned paper. Further, marks under CCA shall be carried forward only if the student secures pass mark in the Unit Test of the concerned paper, else he/she shall have to appear in Unit Test in the concerned paper along with the regular students in the concerned semester to secure minimum pass mark allotted for CCA of the concerned paper. Period/ days during which students represent the Nation/ State/ University/ College in different Regional, National and International events of Sports/ Cultural/ NCC/ NSS etc. may be treated as class attendance for the actual number of days subject to a maximum of 20 days.

There is a provision for condonation of attendance to be accorded by the Principal for students who have attendance between 64% and 74% due to purely medical grounds on production of Medical Certificate from the Competent Authority. Prayer for such condonation shall be routed through the Head of Department.