Library Norms


  1. The library remains open at the normal working hour i.e., 9:00 a.m. till 2.00 p.m. in all workingdays.
  2. The library remains closed during the holidays prescribed by the Government and St.Ann’sCollege.
  3. Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library.
  4. Students are not permitted to bring the mobile phone inside the Library.
  5. Smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the library.
  6. Students need to fill the library membership form for the creation of library card.
  7. Library membership cards, when lost, must be reported in the library.
  8. Issue/return can be done only at working hours.
  9. H.S. students can issue 1 books at a time for 7 days.
  10. U.G. students can issue 2 books at a time for 10 days.
  11. P.G. students can issue 3 books at a time for 15 days.
  12. Faculties can issue 3 books at a time for 30 days.
  13. Faculty of English Department can borrow text books for 1 year for H.S or 6 months for U.G Section.
  14. Users can also renew the books again after the completion of charging period.
  15. Readers should not mark, underline, dog-ear, write, tear pages or otherwisedamage the librarydocuments.
  16. Books borrowed should be returned on or before the due date, if returned late overdue fine will be charged for the delayed period i.e.,Rs.10 per day.
  17. Books that returned by borrowers should only be accepted, if it is in good condition.
  18. If any book is damaged or lost by the borrower than he/she has to buy the similar book and submit to the library within 10 days.
  19. Books taken out of the shelves must be left on the table. Replacing the books on the shelves is not encouraged as it may get misplaced. Misplaced book is like a lost book.
  20. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of library membership and 10% of attendance will be deducted

i.e., for HS (10% from Annual Attendance), for TDC and PG 10% from Semester Attendance) and have to pay a fine of Rs. 500.