Examination and Promotion


  • The syllabus for the academic year is as per AHSEC. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation is made for each student based on the formative assessments, assignments, projects, unit tests and surprise tests conducted regularly throughout the semester. 20% of this assessment will be included for final assessment.
  • To pass, a student has to obtain at least 40% in each of the subjects in all assessments.
  • Class XI will have a pre-board examination and XII will have a selection examination prior to public examinations. The results of these will be given in the presence of parent/guardian.
  • A student will not be allowed to continue the evaluation/test/examination, if he/she is found to be using unfair means (copying, enabling others to copy, bringing texts or books etc.) in evaluations, tests and examinations and no mark/grade will be awarded for that subject.However, he/she will be allowed to sit for the remaining evaluations/tests/examinations.
  • Students who fail to hand over the answer scripts to the invigilator will be marked zero in that particular subject. However, he/she will be allowed to sit for the remaining evaluations/tests/examinations.




  • A student must pass separately in all the Internal Assessments.
  • A student must pass separately in both theory and practical and overall assessment.
  • A student is promoted if he/she obtains 40% or above in all the subjects (excluding additional subject as per scheme of studies). A student will be detained in the same class if he/she fails to obtain the required percentage of marks. An improvement test may be permitted to students in each subject once.
  • Students are permitted to change subjects during the first fifteen days of opening the college.
  • Students who do not show the required aptitude in a given stream, may be shifted to other streams after an evaluation. The vacancies that arise may be filled by the principal from within the admitted students. Change of stream/subject will not be allowed under any circumstance after registration of the student in AHSEC.
  • Parents/guardians are required to bring to the notice of the Principal if there are any grounds for special consideration to be shown to their wards (Differently abled students).
  • The promotion or detention of a student is based on his/her performance during the whole year and decided by the Principal in consultation with the Moderation Committee consisting of the Vice Principal and the Class teacher.
  • In case anyone fails to collect the report card on the appointed day from the class teacher, the same may be collected from the college office on payment of a late fee of Rs. 200/-




Examination and Assessment

Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) shall be done by the college for all students throughout the semester. Paper-wise assessment under CCA shall be done for all papers (except AECC and SEC).

End Semester Examination (ESE)

There shall be a total of six End Semester Examinations, one each for Semesters I, II, III, IV, V and VI conducted by the University during TDC (CBCS) programme of study.

Arrear Papers

  • Paper of any course will be treated as “Arrear Paper” when a student “failed to pass (F)” / “remained absent (Ab) in that paper of any End Semester Examination, and in the Grade Card such an Arrear Paper will be shown as “Yet to Pass: Paper Code”.
  • However, a student with more than 5 “Arrear Papers” of all the previous semesters (I, II, III and IV) shall NOT be allowed to appear in the 6th ESE. This clause is to be applied exclusively for the students appearing in the 6th ESE.
  • Marks scored in CCA for which the student appears as an Arrear Paper shall be carried over for declaring the result of the concerned Arrear Paper.
  • A student with an Arrear Paper in any semester shall NOT be eligible for determining the Merit Positions / Ranking/ Gold Medal.


Re-checking of answer scripts of theory papers of any ESE to a maximum of three papers per semester may be allowed by the University only for those candidates who have obtained Grade/s in the concerned paper/s above 3.5 but below 5.6. In re-checking of marks, only posting and totaling of marks shall be checked. Application for re-checking of answer scripts should be done within 15 days from the date of the publication of results of the concerned ESE through the Principal of the college.


Re-evaluation of answer scripts of theory papers of any ESE may be allowed only on the condition that the re-evaluated result shall be accepted by the student, even if the marks/ grade decreases after re-evaluation. Application for re-evaluating of answer scripts should be done within 15 days from the date of the publication of results of the concerned ESE through the Principal of the college.

Betterment Examination

A student may be allowed to appear in Betterment Examination in any 1 (one) theory paper per semester in which the student has secured Grade 4.00 and above. He/she is allowed to appear in a paper only at the immediate next similar End Semester Examination, on the condition that the Semester in which Betterment Examination is opted by the student to appear falls within the stipulated span of completion of the programme of study, that is, falls within 5 (five) years at a stretch from the date of his/her admission:

  • Components of Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment (CCA)
  • Courses with only Theory paper:

    a. Full Marks = 30 (Unit Test: 20 + Attendance: 10)
    b. Pass Marks = 12

  • Courses with both Theory & Practical papers:

    a. Full Marks = 20 (Unit Test: 14 + Attendance: 6)
    b. Pass Marks = 8

Sessional Tests

There shall be two Unit Tests per semester for each and every theory paper. The average of the two tests scored by a student shall be awarded to the student. A student who has failed to secure minimum pass marks in CCA of a paper shall not be allowed to appear in the concerned paper in the End Semester Examination (ESE). However, such a student may appear in the subsequent similar semester (odd/even) as an Arrear Paper with the condition that he/she will appear in the Sessional Tests of the concerned paper along with the regular students and secureminimum pass marks.